Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dun... Dun... Duuuuuun... NOOooo Not The "Itis"!

Thanksgiving, an anticipated time for family gatherings, football game gazing and let’s not forget, the official dining of tender morsels of turkey and its delicious edible sidekicks.
It’s a meal that we tend to wait and prepare all year for. Sometimes even going through strenuous measures such as starving for a day to make sure one can squeeze in an extra two or three helpings and sporting those special occasion pants with the super stretchy waistband.
And after we devour as much as we can, we inevitably begin to feel a little sluggish. There may be a scientific term for the post- Thanksgiving drowsiness but many affectionately refer to this undeniable feeling as the “itis.”
For years, we believed that it was solely the consumption of turkey that would bring about a comatose feeling. Although, the ingredient, tryptophan is highly present in turkey and can cause one to pull out their emergency pillow and camp out on the couch, it is not the sole reason why we fall victim to the itis condition.
When we pile our plates pass capacity, we are consuming the amount of calories at one meal that we would normally spread throughout the day.
It is those excessive calories that causes the sleepy effect.
So, how do you avoid the post-Thanksgiving coma?
It’s quite easy yet some find it complex and rehensible because this is one of the few times of the year where it seems you have permission to pig out.
Eat breakfast and lunch. Think you’re doing a disservice to the cook if you don’t take a second helping of stuffing because you ate your other two daily meals earlier? Well, you will be doing yourself a huge disservice if you don’t. Consuming large quantities of body-reshaping calories at one sitting is detrimental to your health.
Another thing we tend to be guilty of is making promises that we probably won’t fulfillDo any of these statements sound familiar?
“Tomorrow I’m walking an extra mile to work this off.”
“Oh, yeah. Definitely 30 more minutes at the gym tomorrow.”
“I’m going on a diet first thing Friday morning.”
“My Black Friday shopping will be my cardio.”
I’ve definitely said it before and I can count on one finger how many times I actually acted on it.
Change your mindset. Eat less that day and dine on the leftovers for as long as you can.
I would much rather enjoy my turkey dinner that evening, enjoy a turkey omelet the next morning, a turkey sub for lunch…you get the point.
Instead of eating to the point you can no longer hold your eyes open, eat sensibly and spend your awake hours playing catch up with relatives, listening to back in the day tales and cheer for your favorite team.

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